News for Glogou

Recent news about Glogou Inc.

March 28,2024, Press Release: Glogou Unveils GPT Integration Services for Content Management Systems to Boost Digital Marketing Impact

July 25,2022, Press Release: Glogou Launches Reopening Marketing Services for Hotels and Cruise Lines

Nov 10,2021, Press Release: Glogou Helps Businesses Build Brands on TikTok

April 25,2019, Press Release: Glogou Launches Services to Migrate Facebook and Instagram Ads to WeChat

April 25,2018, Press Release: Glogou Launches RapidChain Marketing Services

Sep 17,2017, Press Release: Glogou Announces Wechat Mini-App Development Services to Help a Business to Acquire More Asian Customers

June 04,2017, Press Release: Glogou Launches Wechat Content Marketing Services to Help a Business to Better Engage China Customers

Sep 30,2015, Press Release: Glogou Launches Sales Opportunity Discovery Online Services to Help Businesses Sell More Into Asian Markets

Jul 9,2015, Press Release: Glogou Launches Asia Marketing Self Planner, an Interactive Asia Media Guide to Help Businesses Plan China and Asia Marketing

Jun 11,2014, Press Release: Glogou Publishes Travel and Destination Marketing White Paper

May 1, 2014,Press Release: Glogou Launches Sales Signal Processing (SSP) to Solve the Toughest Problems for International Sales

Sep 24,2013, Press Release: Glogou Launches Big Data Solutions for Travel and Destination Marketing

August 7, 2013, Press Release: Glogou Announces "Across the Great Wall" China Marketing Technologies and Services That Break Down the Barriers to Reaching the Growing China Market

July 17, 2013, Press Release: Glogou Inc. Announces SoLoMo Solutions for Destination Marketing

May 17, 2013, 中国日报, China Daily: Glogou helps US companies build brands in China

May 01, 2013, VentureBeat: Why you need social media marketing in China

Jan 28, 2013, BizJournal: Santa Clara startup connects U.S. companies and Chinese markets

Dec 12, 2012, Website Magazine: Startup Brings China Ad Programs to "U"

Nov 29, 2012, Search Engine Land: Glogou Launches Products To Help US Companies Do Search Marketing In China

Nov 7, 2012, 新浪科技: 不懂中文没关系 Glogou帮助外企进军中国

Nov 06, 2012, TechCrunch: Glogou Launches New Tools To Help Businesses Build Their Online Presence (And Ad Campaigns) In China

Aug 27, 2012, San Jose Mercury News: Silicon Valley startup Glogou Teaches Small Companies How To Say "Buy My Product" In Chinese

Startup Brings China Ad Programs to "U"

From availability issues and slow load times, to non-indexed websites and stark social media differences, there are plenty of hurdles standing in the way of most U.S. businesses looking to make a splash in China.

This is where Glogou Inc. (Global Goes to U) would like to help. This startup is founded on the idea of helping U.S. businesses run effective digital marketing in China. As part of its efforts, the company recently announced an English interface for Baidu advertising programs, as well as the impending launch of its WAVE service.

Let’s take a look at the former, first.

Baidu, the number one search engine in China, offers advertising programs similar to Google's Adsense and Adword. The problem for U.S. companies wanting to expand its presence to China, however, is that Baidu's advertising programs only have Chinese interfaces, which basically block U.S. businesses from advertising on Baidu. This makes it almost impossible for most U.S. businesses to access China’s market through search engine marketing. Glogou’s English interface for Baidu advertising programs, is intended to open the door for U.S. businesses to access China’s market through effective search engine marketing.

Secondly, Glogou’s WAVE service (Web Accessibility and Visibility Evaluator) monitors the accessibility and visibility of a U.S. business in China.

“As you know, at any time, more than 17 percent of U.S. websites are not accessible from China, which makes very difficult for those companies do business in China,” wrote Glogou. “We provide services to make sure that those websites can be accessible and visible in China.”

Whether your company is ready to think about China expansion or not, China's e-commerce market will surpass the United States with or without you. So, it is wise to not only keep tabs on what the big guys (read: Microsoft) are doing in the country, but to also stay in touch with how startups, like Glogou, are interpreting and responding to business needs.